Experience Economy Expert Certification Course

Companies in nearly every industry around the world continue to embrace the Experience Economy at a record pace. The demand for experiences is proven; what are needed now are more skilled minds to design and stage experiences that memorably engage.

Pine & Gilmore’s Experience Economy Expert Certification Course credentializes professionals, managers, and executives as officially endorsed experts in a rich portfolio of Experience Economy frameworks, ideation tools, and methods. The focus is on transferring the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary for creating and enhancing compelling experiences – either for customers, guests, or employees. All the key elements from The Experience Economy (as well as some elements from Pine & Gilmore’s other works) are explored and taught in depth. Instruction provides complete coverage of Experience Economy principles and models, training in creative Experience Economy facilitation techniques, and approaches for effectively sharing these ideas with others.

What Content is Covered in the Course?

All the key elements from The Experience Economy (as well as some elements from Pine & Gilmore’s other works) are explored and taught in depth, including:

  • Envisioning Experiences: the Progression of Economic Value and ING-ing the thing
  • Depicting Experiences: Hitting the Sweet Spot (4E’s) and THEME-ing
  • Mass Customization: Shifting up the Progression of Economic Value
  • Eliminating Customer Sacrifice (3S’s) and Four Types of Customization
  • Work Is Theatre: Four Forms of Theatre, Dramatic Action, and theatre exercises
  • Beyond Experiences: Guiding Transformations

Instruction provides in-depth coverage of Experience Economy principles and models, training in creative Experience Economy facilitation techniques, and approaches for effectively sharing these ideas with others.

Who Gets Certified?

Pine & Gilmore’s course was designed for anyone who currently practices — or wants to learn — the art of experience staging. Course graduates include everyone from F500 executives through small business owners, marketers to CEOs, trainers, independent consultants, and even academics. We’ve certified executives with 30+ year tenures in their organizations, all the way to professionals who are transitioning in their career. To date, over 300 individuals from countries including the U.S., Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom have completed this intense course to become officially sanctioned as Certified Experience Economy Experts.

What You'll Receive

All course participants receive a complete set of PowerPoint files containing all the frameworks used in the course as well as the workbook text with the details on all the ideas, frameworks, and principles including lists of exemplars — creating a powerful toolbox for executives who want to thrive in today’s Experience Economy. Course participants will also be issued an Experience Economy Certified Expert web-enabled digital logo through Credly, which can be posted online via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms allowing you to openly share your verified Certification status. Lastly, graduates are issued a Course completion certificate suitable for framing (with their unique Certified Expert designation number).

The Results: Putting Certification to Use

Certified Experience Economy Experts will be able to more effectively design and orchestrate experiences within their companies, as well as lead internal or external training sessions using the exclusive proprietary tools and techniques as developed by the world’s leading experts in the field. Course graduates are given a five-year renewable authorization to practice these endorsed methods and models. It is an essential step in developing both the skills and credibility needed to lead successful experience staging projects and training classes, setting your career and company impact on a new trajectory.

Course Scheduling Options

Because of the power of in-person training plus today’s demand for virtual training, Pine & Gilmore now offer three distinct ways to get certified — creating more scheduling and pricing options than ever before.


Pine & Gilmore’s Annual Public Course

This 4-day course, taught in-person by Joe Pine & Jim Gilmore, is held each August in Minneapolis. This is the classic “premier” approach that most of our Certified Experts have pursued; it offers the most face-to-face time with Pine & Gilmore, as well as fellow classmates.

The four days are spent learning all the core content (including key frameworks and models), participating in facilitated exercises and reviewing facilitation instructions, and open discussion among participants with ideation about alternative applications specific to each participant’s needs. In addition, some evening dining and other experiences are scheduled.

Fees and Scheduling

Fees for the annual public course are USD$14,000 which includes all materials and most meals. An invoice for 50% is assessed upon acceptance into the Course. The remaining fees will be invoiced 30 days prior to the Course, and must be paid in full prior to attendance. Additional details on lodging and related activities are sent following acceptance into the Course.

Admission into the public course requires completing an application, which is individually reviewed by both Pine & Gilmore to determine the accepted candidates.  To submit your application for the next course, please send an email to Explore@StrategicHorizons.com indicating your interest.  Note, each public course is limited to a maximum of 12 participants.

Dates for the 2025 public course will be scheduled soon!  Revisit this page often or sign up to receive our announcement emails. 


Experience Economy Expert Virtual Certification

Now authors and world-renowned thought leaders Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore are taking their public, in-person Experience Economy Certification Course online to a virtual learning environment that brings this critical training to a wider audience while making scheduling and participating easier than ever. The virtual format can also keep professional development moving forward during the variable challenges of in-person gathering and restricted travel.

This Virtual Certification Course runplan mirrors the content and approach from the traditional in-person Course, and is split into four content-rich sections with take-away assignments between sessions. Each of the component sections run four hours apiece, taking place online via Zoom and taught live by either Joe Pine or Jim Gilmore. Times of sessions are scheduled to accommodate different time zones, and all sessions are recorded for viewing in case a participant misses a session due to an unforeseen conflict.

At the completion of the Course, Pine or Gilmore also conduct a private 60-minute consultation with each participant to discuss their business and apply both Certification and the Experience Economy principles to their situation.

Special Pricing, Flexible Scheduling

Virtual Certification is offered at USD $7000 per person which includes all course materials. Materials will be sent to participants in advance, along with the start times of each Zoom session once scheduled. 

Virtual Courses are offered year-round and are scheduled once four or more participants have applied. Want to be a part of the next Virtual Certification Course?  Send an email to Explore@StrategicHorizons.com indicating your interest.

We’ll reach out to coordinate your participation and get you scheduled for the online sessions.


Private, In-House Certification Courses

Based on market demand from companies who want more in-depth knowledge and understanding of Pine & Gilmore’s Experience content, we now offer private Certification programs on an “in-house” basis to individual companies. This approach is ideal for organizations who want to equip an ensemble of internal change agents intent on creating a more experience-focused enterprise.

The private course presents the same original Pine & Gilmore material as found in the public course, with added focus on the company’s own marketplace challenges and opportunities.  It gives whole teams the chance for a once-n-done mindset shift to establish a common language and vision.  And we can stage the Course in two ways: live at your location, or virtually.  (Either way eliminates the need for participant travel costs!)

Attractive Pricing and a Simple Process

Whether in-person or virtual, pricing remains $7000 per person for a minimum of six participants. Just gather your team and identify your course candidates, then choose if you would like the Course to be conducted by Joe Pine or Jim Gilmore.  Then simply contact us at 330-995-4680 or Explore@StrategicHorizons.com to begin the registration and scheduling process for an in-house course.  Private Certification Courses can be scheduled anytime throughout the year.